Category : Crop Protection Product group : Herbicides

Active Ingredient: 244 g/l Chloridazon +150 g/l Triallate

Formulation : Suspo-emulsion (SE)

Packaging : 5 l


Zoekon Super is a drug in the form of suspo-emulsion used against narrow and broad-leaved grasses in sugar beet. It acts on germinating weeds through the root and kills them before or shortly after emergence.

It controls many annual narrow and broad-leaved weeds that reproduce by seed. It does not control perennial weeds. It is effective by being taken by the roots of weeds. Germinating weeds take the drug and die shortly after emergence or emergence from the soil surface. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to throw the drug into well-prepared, clod-free and moist soil. It must be mixed with the soil immediately after application, since it acts while partially turning into gas.

Method Of Application

It is used for narrow and broad-leaved weeds in beet fields. It is applied to the seed bed surface prepared without clods. It should be mixed into the soil superficially (3-5 cm) with rakes or shovels immediately after spraying. Then planting is done. If the weather conditions are not suitable, sowing can be done after a few days. If the soil surface is dry, the soil should be pressed by rolling after planting and before the beet germinates.
The duration of the effect may last from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the soil structure and climatic conditions. If the beet spoils for any reason (flood, hail, germination problem, etc.), the same field; beets, potatoes or corn can be planted. If it is used in accordance with the recommendation, it does not cause any phytotoxicity in crop plants planted after the normal harvest of beet.

Compatibility: It is not recommended to be mixed with other products. If mixing is required, a premix test should be performed.

Detailed Table Information

Sugar beet Gingerbread (Veronica persica) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Wild oats (Avena spp.) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Horseradish (Raphanus raphanistrum) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Rabbit whiskers (Poa annua) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Field fenugreek (Spergula arvensis) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Field maple flower (Thlaspi arvense) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Vinegar (Chenopodium album) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Ivy Shepherd’s Wand (Polygonum convolvulus) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Chamomile (Matricaria spp.) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Birdgrass (Stellaria media) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Dogcurrant (Solanum nigrum) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet red-rooted foxtail (Amaranthus retroflexus) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Black Chard (Atriplex patula) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Weasel (Papaver rhoeas) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Button grass (Galinsoga parviflora) HIn light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda
Sugar beet Ballıbaba (Lamium amplexicaule) In light and medium soils: 1000 ml, In heavy and humus-rich soils: 1100 ml, It is applied under rakes or mulches before planting. Amount of water to be used: 30-60 Lda